Lavallette Grant

Multiple residences in Lavallette have sump pumps that discharge onto the streets with the intent of flowing over land to the existing drainage system. However, due to the long overland distances and relatively flat grade, this flow typically becomes stagnant before reaching the system. This causes pooling along the curb line and by the handicap ramps. In the winter, this water can freeze and lead to ice conditions along the street. In the summer, the water has the potential to cause algae growth and draw mosquitos. Both are undesirable conditions that the Borough seeks to mitigate. Over the years, inlet basins and underground pipes have been installed to minimize stagnant flow and help facilitate the discharge to the State stormwater system. This project will continue the effort of installing additional inlets and underground pipe to mitigate this issue in 27 remining locations.

Van Cleef submitted an ARPA application for $2,600,000 and successfully received the requested amount. As part of the original application, we had estimated a $2,100,000 cost for construction and $500,000 for soft costs. Ultimately, our office was able to provide a design proposal for $300,000 and allocate more of the funding to the Borough for construction of the project.


Thank you for reaching out to van cleef engineering associates.